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Service and Leadership Activities

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-Writing and performing Greenshows for the annual Tooele Ren. Faire-

As part of Tooele Valley Theatre's Education Outreach, I've spent the last two Falls coordinating with the local Arts Guild to provide free Greenshow performances at the yearly Renaissance Festival. In 2021 the High School troupe performed "Songs from Ireland" and in 2022 they performed "The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything". With limited time, budget, and rehearsal space, I managed to write, choreograph, and produce their 15 minute performances.

2022 Greenshow Performance Video
Empty Classroom

-Prepared and taught two Language Arts integrated dance lessons to seven different 2nd grade classes-

Early in September of 2018 I decided to send out an email to some local second grade teachers. I had prepared two 40-minute lessons that used dance to teach some 2nd grade Language Arts skills. I received an overwhelming amount of responses from teachers interested in having me. Initially, I planned on teaching 2-3 classes, but I ended up guest teaching seven different classes at three different Iron County Elementary schools. I got to work with a vastly different array of students but all were excited to get out of their seats and dance around.


-Walk (and dance) as a model for a scholarship fundraising fashion show-

In October 2017, Southern Utah University created a fundraiser for a new scholarship; the Eletra Casadei Legacy Scholarship. The event was a luncheon and fashion show for any and all people who wanted to contribute to this scholarship. The costume department took designs, trims, and dresses from Casadei, an influential fashion designer from California who created many pieces for SUU productions. I volunteered as a model in the fashion show and was showcased in 6 of Casadei's designs. We spent every Wednesday night, for several weeks, rehearsing the choreography and blocking of the show. The models scheduled appointments for fittings, hair trials, and makeup trials as well. After two dress rehearsals, we performed for our audience at the SUMA in Cedar City.

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-Teaching Beginning Ballroom and Choreography at High School Shakespeare Competition-

I volunteered to teach classes in 2017 and 2018 at SUU's annual High School Shakespeare Competition. This event allows High School dance and theatre programs from all around the state to come and be adjudicated by professionals in the fields, as well as take a variety of classes from multiple teachers. As an upperclassman in the Dance Program at SUU I was able to teach some amazing High Schoolers some of the things I had learned.

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-Clean and socialize with animals up for adoption, including those with special needs-

I have visited this Sanctuary many times over the years. This is a non-profit organization dedicated to rescuing animals from abusive situations, abandonment, or just from homes who didn't want them. They are a no-kill sanctuary, which means they do not euthanize any of their animals, under any circumstances. They have many different species, including dogs, cats, pigs, horses, and birds. Being a major cat-lover, I've volunteered with the cats every time I've gone. I clean their rooms, feed them, and socialize with them so they can get used to people and be adopted one day. There are a few houses dedicated to special needs cats. These animals need special attention and treatment and they are always kept together. Some have amputated limbs, feline diseases, neurological disorders, or are paralyzed from the waist down. There is something very special about these cats and I love volunteering with them the most.

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